Mission Statement

Every new project and endeavor needs a Mission Statement. I wrote this last year for one of my midwifery classes, but I have found that it sets a lovely tone for the inaugural post of this journal. It is my hope that these goals will not only guide and shape my growth from student to midwife, but also come to suffuse everything I do—my practice, my values, my beliefs and dreams and aspirations, what I fight for and work towards, and not least of all, this website!

My mission as a midwife is…

…to provide insightful and compassionate clinical care for women throughout their pregnancies, and quality, dependable primary care throughout their lives.

…to educate women about their bodies and to foster a sense of trust in their bodies and themselves.

…to offer sound advice and ready emotional support.

…to respect a woman’s choices, background and culture.

…to view pregnancy and birth as a normal, healthy process—a state of wellness rather than a state of illness.

…to provide a birth alternative to women and their families which is non-invasive, holistic, and woman-centered while remaining evidence-based and clinically sound.

…to help women guide themselves through the labor process; to be an ally and an advocate, as needed.

…to never forget the rest of the family—the daddies, the significant others, the older children, the soon-to-be-new-grandparents—and to involve the family as much as possible; to encourage bonding and to support the family as a unit.

…to promote midwives and the practice of midwifery—to get the message out, to stir the pot, to educate the general public about how much we have to offer.

…to make the right call at the right time—to intervene when I must, but to be able to decide to do nothing, to watch and wait, to trust the woman’s body and instincts.

…to educate women about pregnancy and birth; to provide as much information as possible, so that women can make informed decisions.

…to never lose sight of the sacredness of birth.

…to welcome new babies into the world with gentle, competent hands.

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One Trackback

  1. By Belly Tales » Happy birthday, Belly Tales! on April 23, 2006 at 10:29 pm

    […] n Sunday, April 23, 2006

    Oh, and I nearly forgot: a year ago today I wrote the inaugural post for this website. Wow. Was that only a year ago???


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